Get your Coastal Boat delivered – Across Europe
Hi Coastal-Boat Team, I would like to get a Coastal Boat in Sweden. Do you send your boats all over Europe? And can I get my coastal boat delivered to…
Hi Coastal-Boat Team, I would like to get a Coastal Boat in Sweden. Do you send your boats all over Europe? And can I get my coastal boat delivered to…
Der Coastal Boat Tolley-TUG Slipwagen Standard und Sandrädern für Coastal Boats. Für Coastal Boote, wie Einer und Zweier, sowie Kajaks und kleine Schlauchboote geeignet! Ich habe mich über die…
The Rowingclub Flensburg has set a great new standard last weekend. The German local news channel NDR reported on the regatta with the title "Defying the waves with coastal rowing". The regatta:…
The registration deadline for the Coastal Rowing Regatta in Bremerhaven is on August 8, 2021. After the first Coastal Rowing Regatta in Stralsund has been carried out successfully, the next…
On the 31.7. and 1.8.2021 the second Stralsund Coastal Regatta will take place in the Strelasund! It is organised by the Stralsund Rowing Club. Beach Sprint and Long-distance Saturday will be…
Are you planning your vacation this summer or next year? Do you like the sea? Or Lagoons? Or rivers? Think about the Adriatic! There are many opportunities to row between…
Almost all rowing clubs offer their club members the opportunity to store private boats. It's a great service for active rowers who want to row their own boats. But what…
When Kirsten Melin, coach at the Lymington Rowing Club, and her companion Andrew went into the water early in the morning on the 27th September 2020, they didn't expect the…