Coastal Rowing auf einem Fluss mit einem Zweier Boot

Coastal Boats at the Bilac 2021 in Switzerland

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Novelty at the Bilac 2021. The organisers celebrated the 21st return of the regatta with a novelty: Coastal Boats at the Bilac 2021 in Switzerland. 

Bilac with Coastal Boats
Bilac 21- Race, Gig and Coastal Boats (on the right)

Bilac with Coastal Boats

For the first time, coastal boats took part in a Swiss regatta. And the Aviron Romande Zurich team won the honorary award. The team around Cox Marina De La Rosa (De Rosa Marina, Guy Le Morsier, Michel Barge, Andy Lehmann, Cedric Martin) finished 17th out of 110 boats after 30 km. Time: 2: 24: 22.81. See the Ranking.
Why Coastal Boats? The Swiss lakes are known for their treacherous winds and rapid weather changes. Due to the wind, there are almost always small waves up to 50 cm and more.

BILAC 2021 with Coastal Boats
German Boat with a “Rheinschnitt” – suitable for the coast.

The idea of the Bilac

The idea of the Bilac was inspired from the National Expo in 2002. The aim at that time was to connect the Arteplages Neuchâtel and Biel with an event inspired by Vogalonga. The Arteplages have disappeared – The Bilac has stayed.
Since then, the Bilac has become an independent event held annually in September on the waters of the Jura. It is one of the largest popular sports events with over 100 boats for rowers and canoeists in Switzerland. To the Bilac website.
And tribute is paid to coastal rowing. More and more Swiss rowers use coastal boats and want to take part in appropriate regattas. Good this way. The next CR regatta is in Lausanne in October.


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