Y25 coastal boat bestseller – made in France

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The Y25 double scull (Co2x) has been probably the – cumulative – best selling Co2x in the Coastal Rowing community. In 1994 the first model was introduced. At that time as a pure racing boat, unstable, difficult to row but fast. A comparison with the automotive industry: Just as a Volkswagen Golf (Model 1) has evolved since that time, this boat has also been significantly revised over time. Again and again the hull was redesigned. The cockpit has been modernized. The boat has never disappointed on lakes and coastal conditions since its introduction to the market. Today, the Y25 coastal boat bestseller from Avignon, Made in France is available with the 2022 design. Volkswagen has redesigned the Golf several times (8x) until 2022. The Y25 has also been redesigned many times since then under the designer Cedric Bureau. It became a real universal coastal boat.

Y25 coastal boat bestseller – new design, more speed.

The Yole 25 is produced in France, not in Portugal, not in Greece. There are similar designs, older copies in other countries. However, the Y25 from RS Boats has evolved like none of its competitors….

New hull design, finer curves for a powerful boat. It is well balanced and trimmed for speed in it’s 2021/22 version. The boat is a classic and a modern racing boat at the same time. An asset for all. Its hull structure is reinforced by partitions (PU/glass or PVC/carbon) that ensure its unsinkability. They also give structural rigidity to row straight and have fun surfing the waves. The boat is designed for rough lakes and for rowing at the coast. It loves waves between 50-180 cm.

Its new equipment is a plus: adjustable fixed rigging +3/-3 cm or the possibility to tilt the rigging. With this new model, the succession is guaranteed!

Better fin system, easy fit

Gone are the days where each boat has its own fin system. RS Boats uses the well known and widely useds fin system US-Box. We see this as a clear advantage to e.g. Swift Racing fin systems. Intended or unwanted exchange of fins is possible at lower costs and within a few seconds. US-Box Fins are are available in most nautical stores. And they fit.

Target Group:

  • Beginners, learn to row,
  • leisure,
  • masters rowers with racing ambitions
  • ambitious coastal rowers


Production: VERSION CLUB
Wet process; construction / Soric sandwich + expanded PVC / epoxy glass, partitions and fillings.
Wet process, sandwich + Epoyy Carbon PVC / Carbon, partitions and reinforcements.

Credit: RS Boats (all pictures)



Removable riggers made of thermo-coated aluminum.
➢Folding riggers, complete locking possible.
➢Rowing Sport Boats, comfortable sliding seat.
➢Complete Rowing Sport Boats footstretcher.
➢Integrated fin latch and detachable fin.
➢Rowing Sport Boats navigation console (optional)
➢Storage net and storage space in the bow



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This Post Has One Comment

  1. Maralee

    Love the information!!

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