What are the chances of Coastal Rowing becoming Olympic? We haven’t heard anything for a long time. Fisa and the Olympic Committee are silent.
What we do know – Oakley is a major sponsor again, there are discussions about personalities and sports?
Boxing has done it again. International Olympic Committee (IOC) Director General Christophe De Kepper has “guaranteed” that boxing will be on the Los Angeles 2028 sports program.
And now Crticket also wants to get a ticket as an Olympic sport. And the chances are good. They even want to start a U.S. cricket league. International Cricket Council (ICC) chief Geoff Allardice believes the launch of Major League Cricket’s (MLC) T20 competition in the United States will boost the sport’s bid for the 2028 Olympics in Los Angeles.
The last available spots for an Olympic sport are fiercely contested. Surfers and kiteboarders also want in. Beach sports that appeal to youth and fit the California lifestyle.
What about coastal rowing? Let’s see. Lobbying is going on in the background – whether that will be successful, we don’t know. We keep you posted